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This lesson plan is suitable for English and History lessons for KS2. It links to the National Curriculum's objectives of English composition and British History beyond 1066. Pupils will develop skills in creative writing and historical comparision.

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**Educational resources are suitable for both home and school use. 'Mayflower Reflections is © MBD and permission is only granted for their use in connection to these activities. For any other use permission must be obtained.

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Things that you may need

  • Pens and Paper


Welcome to our fun and creative lesson plan inspired by our project, ‘Mayflower Reflections’. Together we are going to take part in some fun activities, that will help us explore the story of the Mayflower voyage, and discover how this 400 year old story is still really important today.

Mayflower Reflections is a 360º film all about a group of people who took a long and dangerous journey to build a new home. It is also about how lots of people all over the world are still having to make very similar journeys today.

Activity 1 

Start by clicking the button below and watching ‘Mayflower Reflections’. This should take you about 15 minutes. It is a 360º film which means it will happen all around you. If you watch it on a mobile you can move your phone around to watch the film. If you are watching on a computer or laptop use your mouse to click and drag your way across the film.

Watch and listen carefully! You don’t want to miss anything. Make sure to pay attention to how the film makes you feel, and if you think a similar story could happen today.

We will be asking you some questions about all of this later on.

Activity 2 

Well done for completing the first activity! We hope you enjoyed it, and are ready for activity two.

Take 10 - 15 minutes to try these questions and activities:

  1. Think back to what it was like to be on the deck of the Mayflower during Mayflower Reflections. From memory draw a picture of what the ship looked like. Are there any little details you noticed that you could include, like the barrels or bits of wood?

  2. What was the most memorable moment of Mayflower Reflections and why? This could be a picture, a sound, or some words. Write a short paragraph describing your favourite part and what you learnt from it.

  3. Like the passengers on the Mayflower, people still have to make long and dangerous boat journeys to try and find a safer life today. Make two lists, one describing the similarities between the Mayflower passengers and people making these journeys today and another describing the differences. Try and write at least 5 things on each list.


Activity 3 

During Mayflower Reflections there are lots of words and pictures that show the similarities between 400 years ago and now. At the end it asks if we are able to learn from the past to make a better future for everyone.

Imagine that you are part of the welcome team of a brand new city. This city has been designed to make people from different countries feel as safe and welcome as possible. Spend 20 - 30 minutes writing a welcome letter that will go out to new citizens telling them about your city and how safe it is.

Think about how people will get around this city, what the people of this city are like and what type of housing people live in. Are there any particular rules the city has to help people?

Bonus Activity

If you enjoyed these activities and would like to learn more about the Mayflower then visit or if you would like to learn more about how you can help people having to travel to new countries today visit

Make sure to head to to discover lots more exciting and interactive lesson plans like this one.

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‘Mayflower Reflections’ was written and created by MBD with support from Arts Council England, North Lindsey District Council, National Lottery Heritage Fund, Pilgrim Roots & Mayflower 400 and Dr. Anna Scott. 

  • The Voice Actors were Caroline Faber, Clemetina Allende Iriarte, Paul Long and Curtis Strong. 

  • The Music and Sound Design was created by Meduktions. 

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